If you’re looking for doula services in the Bay Area, I’m so glad you found your way to me. I’m happy to offer my services in pregnancy and labor (in the hospital, at home, or in a birth center) and the postpartum period (including those who adopt or have surrogate births).
Giving birth is one of the experiences of life that launches us into new ways of being and relating in the world. As a doula, I see my role in your birth as holding space for the importance and immensity of that shift, to support you in discovering your power in creating that transformation. I invite you to explore this website to get a sense for how I support clients in pregnancy, labor, the postpartum period, and beyond — and I encourage you to reach out to me with any questions.
How I show up as a doula:
- I offer non-judgmental care that empowers and comforts
- I hold space for the range of emotional experiences of labor and birth
- I provide practical, physical, emotional, informational, and spiritual support
- I welcome people of all genders and family constellations
- I am infant, child, and adult CPR and first aid certified
- I offer a non-culturally appropriative approach to birth work and am culturally sensitive
- I advocate for my clients to experience the best possible outcome, whether in a hospital, at a birthing center, or at home
- I understand trauma’s effects on the body and mind
- I bring a background in mental health care for navigating anxiety, fear, and other challenging emotional landscapes
I am a certified full-spectrum doula, so please feel free to contact me with any questions regarding abortion or miscarriage support.
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